History was made in Carrollton, Ga. as the first Female President of the Carroll County NAACP was Installed by Georgia NAACP President Gerald Griggs. Dominique Conteh was sworn in at the President of the Carroll County NAACP on January 7, 2023 by President Gerald Griggs. President Conteh delivered her opening address after being sworn in. She stated, “My name is Dominique Conteh. The new President for Carroll County NAACP Local Branch 5179."
"I would like to take this time and thank our outgoing president, Mr. James Stocks. In addition, I would like to thank the membership and the executive committee for placing your confidence and trust in me to serve as your next president. I accept this important role as president of the local branch. This is a responsibility that I do not take lightly and I will faithfully represent the best interest of the branch.
It is not lost upon me, the historic significance of my being the First Woman President for our local branch. I take this responsibility bestowed upon me with leading the oldest Civil Rights Organization in the nation seriously, compassionately, and with tremendous pride. Moving forward, it will be my strategy to continue the success of the organization; by including the thoughts and ideas of our officers, chair committees and general members.”
Photo Credit @JustinKasePhoto